Ten years ago he was born, Arturo.
My first dog, my first love.
Dirty walls, holes in the garden, hair everywhere. Eyes that speak and unconditional love.
It was 2011 and with it the first bowl raisers and accessories for dogs arrived at home.
In those years the seed of what is growing today was planted, starting in 2021.
Don - Arthur.

Who I am? My name is Giusi, I'm an interior designer born in 1988, born in Sicily and Friulian by adoption.
I'm also a lucky person, because my work is the compendium of what I love : design , animals .
DonArturo is a dream, it is the sincere desire to create a bridge between our way of life and that of the animals with which we have chosen to share our spaces.
This bridge is made up of ours and their "kit" of objects: the Donarturo collection.

Donarturo is a family of which I represent only a part.
Beside me is Giuliano, tireless companion and close supporter.
There is a network of friends and collaborators who believe in this project, and then there are them, the soul of Donarturo.
Our beastly team.
The sum of these animal energies fuels the creative development of this enterprise.
After Arturo, and after a few years, they arrived.
First come. Black cat, very cuddly (can you say?), fiv+, of indefinite age but probably the oldest in the family.
As well as the boss. Calm and solitary, when needed he puts everyone in line. -
Arrived a few months after Beppino. Found very small in a pizzeria.
He was hiding for days but then he picked my shoelaces and...
He is the 007 agent of the house. A word to the good connoisseur. -
My thunderbolt. I met his eyes on a shelter's IG page. We moved house and after six months he came to us. As good as bread, very sensitive, greedy. Our panda in sheep's clothing.
Arrived from the same shelter as Malik, but six months later. Initially shy and insecure, she has become a nice, very jealous hyperactive. It's impossible to get bored with her!
What can I say... Giuliano went to pick him up by plane, in Palermo, the young gentleman. He doesn't have eyes, but he can see very well. An unstoppable, overbearing and self-centered hurricane. And we love it!

We have a personality and a story to tell, and we love doing it through our projects and ideas.
For example, Cannolo is not just a tunnel for cats. It is the fruit of my roots: inspired by the most famous of Sicilian sweets, it is woven by hand, by family and Sicilian hands.
And then there are the names of the products, which never come about by chance and often have an amusing origin.
Like the Teccà bowl holders, which in dialect means: Here, eat! and it is often used precisely to recall dogs.
Tell us, could we have come up with a better name?